What's up! It's Sehar.....HAPPY MANY DAYS! {read my blog to know what days are today}

What's up guys, it's Sehar so today we are celebrating many days and I'm going to tell you all about them also I am working on a super fun video for you guys so make sure to check it out when it's posted.
Here are the days:


It's time to get out your sandals and flip flops. For today is No Socks Day. Go ahead..... free your toes of the confines of socks and stockings. Give those toes of yours a breath of fresh air. The creators of this day also profess that No Socks Day will reduce your laundry load, and therefore, is healthy for the environment.
It's easy to participate in No Socks Day. Just leave your socks and stocking off, and let your toes enjoy a moment in the sun! 
Note: While washing your feet prior to participating in No Socks Day is a requirement, painting your toe nails is completely optional.


Date When Celebrated: Always the Friday before Mother's Day
Child Care Provider Day is today. It is also referred to as Daycare Provider Day. Child Care provider is more inclusive, so most prefer to call it that. Either way you call it, this day gives recognition and appreciation to the millions of people involved with providing care to children of working families. Child care providers have the health and safety of our children in their hands. They spend many hours with your child, teaching them educational, social, and behavioral skills. In some cases, child care providers spend more waking time with your child than you do!
Use today to let your child care provider know how much they are appreciated. Give them a card, and a big thank you. Small gifts are acceptable, but not a requirement.
If you are a child care provider, we thank you for all that you do for our children.


Iris Day celebrates these beautiful and attractive late spring bloomers. With or without a beard, Iris are very popular among homeowners and gardeners. With a little luck, you have Iris blooming in your flower beds today.
Celebrate Iris Day by enjoying these great, easy to grow bloomers. If you don't have any in your yard, get some and plant them today. You can also enjoy this day by going to a floral shop to buy some Iris to put into your favourite vase.


Spouse's Day is a time to enjoy and appreciate your better half. Show your spouse the love! You can use this day as a prelude or warm up to Valentine's Day, if you'd like. But, its not really a gift giving event. Rather, use it as a time to show your spouse that you care and appreciate all of the things that he/she does for you and for the household. In other words, take a minute to be thankful for what you've got.


Today is National Outdoor Intercourse Day (NOIT). It's a day to get out in the great outdoors and do the nasty. (Why is such a beautiful and pleasurable activity referred to as "the nasty"!?) This special day seems most popular in the Pacific Northwest, where it originated on the college campus of Washington State University. It doesn't take much encouragement to prompt most people, and especially college students, to participate in this day.

#6 V-E DAY

Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day) commemorates the end of fighting in Europe during World War II. After years of war, The Third Reich of Nazi Germany was defeated.  Millions of people were killed. Adolf Hitler, Germany's Dictator, had committed suicide in his bunker in Berlin.


Date When Celebrated: This holiday is always held on May 8
World Red Cross Day remembers and recognizes the efforts of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies worldwide. According to the Red Cross website, this day recognizes:
"Worldwide efforts to advocate for the relief of human suffering, whether from disease, famine, disaster, or war. On May 8, the American Red Cross puts special focus on our programs that keep children healthy and safe around the globe."
The Red Cross provides humanitarian efforts and disaster relief around the world, wherever it is needed. There are millions of Red Cross volunteers.
You can celebrate World Red Cross Day and World Red Crescent Day in a variety of ways:
  • Learn more about the Red Cross
  • Support Red Cross programs and efforts
  • Send a donation to the Red Cross
  • Donate blood today
  • Become a Red Cross volunteer
  • Thank Red Cross volunteers for their service.

                                                              Thanks for reading!!



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